House of Hope Update

Rod and Nancy Wildman  just recently visited the DR (Dominican Republic) and took these pictures for us!  It’s amazing to see the fruits of our faithfulness!  Thank you for helping us impact lives!  We are all Difference Makers!  Keep sending in those donations… we still need to reach $25,000 and we’re currently at $14,300!  Check out these pictures:

It’s Been Busy!

House of Hope

House of Hope Progress!

We apologize for the delay in communication, but things have been busy.  Since we last talked the 2nd Mile Missions House of Hope started construction!  This is awesome news… take a look at what your donations and support are doing to change lives:

2nd Mile Missions House of Hope

Not only has the construction started but we’ve been getting donations coming in.  We want to give a big shout out to:

Pamela and Lyle Folckemer

Delford and Carolyn Leidy

Steve and Susan Wildman

Daniel and Jana Williamson

Jeff and Pam Leidy

Thank you for your support of Tour Divide – Tim & Dave!

Our new total is up to $11,909 raised (see the progress HERE)!  That’s amazing!  Keep those donations coming in!